Pipavav Railway Corporation Limited

PRCL is a Joint Venture of Ministry of Railways and Gujarat Pipavav Port Limited, each having contributed fifty percent equity capital through a shareholder's agreement. The Company enjoys the strong commitments from its key shareholders viz :

Gujarat Pipavav Port Limited for guaranteed cargo throughput and

Ministry of Railways for guaranteed supply of rolling stock and evacuation of the cargo.


Indian Railway, being the biggest employer for having more than 15 million work force has strong rail network of more than 63,000 route kilometers, connecting through more than 6800 stations

Indian Railways have a dedicated fleet of more than 7500 locomotives, more than 37000 passenger vehicles and more than 222000 freight wagons.

Indian Railways are carrying more than 13 million originating passengers in addition to lifting more than 1.4 million ton freight traffic per day. Indian Railways has taken up a number of projects for providing rail connectivity to various ports and has asked for private participation in this regard.


GPPL is a Multinational Company, which has set up the first private sector Port in the Saurashtra Region at Pipavav. The Port of Pipavav is deep drought, all-weather Port having 725 meters long cargo berth designed to cater to large vessels, having day and night navigation facilities, world class multi-purpose cargo handling equipments and adequate ware-housing facilities.

Main shareholders of GPPL are Maersk Sealand. It will be a major hub port in the region. During the first 10 years of operation, very high volumes of container traffic will generate at the Port requiring fast and efficient rail transportation to and from the Ports' hinterland. The strength of the Port and its ability to attract cargo will provide the growth potential for PRCL.